Watch your thoughts,for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habit. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for they become your destiny. -Hazrat Ali (AS)

Watch your thoughts,for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habit. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for they become your destiny.
Watch your thoughts,for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habit.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for they become your destiny.


  1. Salaam, Can i have refernce for the above qoute

  2. This quote has been attributed to others. Hoa can we be sure it is from Saydina Ali ra?
